Demonstration on how to render text, use multi line strings and use connections.
-- Made by @Splatzy
-- Maintained by @fuckuneedthisfor
-- Set background to pitch black
Graphics.SetClearColor(Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
-- Our demo text
local ASCII = [[
_.----. ____ ,' _\ ___ ___ ____
_,-' `. | | /`. \,-' | \ / | | \ |`.
\ __ \ '-. | / `. ___ | \/ | '-. \ | |
\. \ \ | __ | |/ ,','_ `. | | __ | \| |
\ \/ /,' _`.| ,' / / / / | ,' _`.| | |
\ ,-'/ / \ ,' | \/ / ,`.| / / \ | |
\ \ | \_/ | `-. \ `' /| | || \_/ | |\ |
\ \ \ / `-.`.___,-' | |\ /| \ / | | |
\ \ `.__,'| |`-._ `| |__| \/ | `.__,'| | | |
\_.-' |__| `-._ | '-.| '-.| | |
`' '-._|
function Paint ()
Renderer.Text(Renderer.GetDefaultFont(), ASCII, Vector2.new(5, 5), Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
-- Will remove the need to connect fonts to this in the future.
Connect("OnInterfacePaint", Paint)
Last updated